"Mother Treason" #Unbound. A story from the collection, Gordon Liddy Is My Muse, by John Calvin Batchelor. The complete 67 minutes. Read by John Batchelor.
Feb 28, 2022, 02:10 AM
Photo: 250th anniversary of Moscow State University. Russian stamp, 5 Rubles, 12 January 2005. The main building of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills; the medal commemorating the founding of the university (with the portrait and the allegorical figure of Elizaveta Petrovna, the Empress of Russia); the coat of arms of Russia from the Approving Charter of Moscow Imperial University (1804).
"Mother Treason" #Unbound. A story from the collection, Gordon Liddy Is My Muse, Hardcover; by John Calvin Batchelor. The complete 67 minutes. Read by John Batchelor.
In nine darkly comic episodes that range from Moscow to Hollywood, the conservative spy novelist Tommy "Tip" Paine offers this postmodern, picaresque chase across our contemporary oral landscape