UNCENSORED with Marien Sarriera of Yachts Mermaids
Season 2, Episode 495, Mar 15, 2022, 06:30 PM
WARNING: May be triggering (due to the ongoing fear within the industry to be identified speaking out, we have hidden the identity of the guest)
Sadly in the yachting industry, we have normalized the issues of bullying, poor mental health, verbal/physical abuse, work, and sexual harassment at sea, among many others, and tabooed the solutions. But Uncensored is here to change that. Join Marien and Angela in a conversation about normalizing these topics and learn about the available resources to support you when times get tough.
24/7 Help Line: Yachtcrewhelp.org
Download the YM Crew Support Directory PDF here: http://yachtsmermaids.com/s/ymcrewsupportdirectory.pdf
Join Nautilus here: https://www.nautilusint.org
Join PYA here: https://www.pya.org
If you have something to say, a story to share, or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show or click here to book a recording session https://yachtsmermaids.as.me/ymmeetup
#discrimination #equality #humanrights #harassment #metoo #employmentlaw #mentalhealth #lgbtq #sexualharassment #women #youtube #racialdiscrimination #lgbt #justice #sexism #peace #crewplacement #crewplacementagency #men #equalityforall #silence #gagged #speakup #uncensored #healing #trauma #mentalhealth #crew #recovery #yachtinginternationalradio
Sadly in the yachting industry, we have normalized the issues of bullying, poor mental health, verbal/physical abuse, work, and sexual harassment at sea, among many others, and tabooed the solutions. But Uncensored is here to change that. Join Marien and Angela in a conversation about normalizing these topics and learn about the available resources to support you when times get tough.
24/7 Help Line: Yachtcrewhelp.org
Download the YM Crew Support Directory PDF here: http://yachtsmermaids.com/s/ymcrewsupportdirectory.pdf
Join Nautilus here: https://www.nautilusint.org
Join PYA here: https://www.pya.org
If you have something to say, a story to share, or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show or click here to book a recording session https://yachtsmermaids.as.me/ymmeetup
#discrimination #equality #humanrights #harassment #metoo #employmentlaw #mentalhealth #lgbtq #sexualharassment #women #youtube #racialdiscrimination #lgbt #justice #sexism #peace #crewplacement #crewplacementagency #men #equalityforall #silence #gagged #speakup #uncensored #healing #trauma #mentalhealth #crew #recovery #yachtinginternationalradio