Brightburn - B-Roll Classic
Season 3, Episode 30, Jan 18, 2023, 11:41 PM
@reelgeekshfx on Twitter and Instagram
Geeksploitation Entertainment brings you “Reel Geeks: The B-Roll” where the subject varies and the editing is entirely optional! Mini Reviews, reviews of older films, and clips from old recordings the B-Roll is everything the name suggests; supplementary content to the main reviews!
This episode, Mikki Gorman joins Mike and Paula for a special bonus review as the three discuss the recently released film "Brightburn." Coming from obscurity, could this be the little film that got James Gunn the Suicide Squad? Kick back, relax, and take in the discussion to find out! Recorded in Halifax, NS, Canada
Music: “Dance” by
Music: “Dance” by