William Damon #UNBOUND (one's own life-review; golf): The complete, forty-minute interview. July 3, 2021.

Mar 20, 2022, 01:43 AM

Photo:    Meditation  picture by Niklaus von der Flüe, 

William Damon #UNBOUND: The complete, forty-minute interview. July 3, 2021.

A Round of Golf with My Father, by William Damon.  

Viewing our past through the eye of maturity can reveal insights that our younger selves could not see. Lessons that eluded us become apparent. Encounters that once felt like misfortunes now become understood as valued parts of who we are. We realize what we’ve learned and what we have to teach. And we’re encouraged to chart a future that is rich with purpose. 

In A Round of Golf with My Father, William Damon introduces us to the “life review.” This is a process of looking with clarity and curiosity at the paths we’ve traveled, examining our pasts in a frank yet positive manner, and using what we’ve learned to write purposeful next chapters for our lives.