4th April 2022 - News and Reviews on BBC Surrey & Sussex
Apr 07, 2022, 12:08 AM
Fevzi Turkalp, the Gadget Detective, joins Danny Pike on BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex to discuss the latest technology news and reviews. This week; Wyze, a company well known for their security cameras, has been revealed to have ignored a warning from Bitdefender three years ago that showed their cameras were hackable, leaving users vulnerable to intrusion.
First Gadget of the Week are the Korg Opsix Native and Wavestate Native softsynths. These software versions are identical to their hardware counterparts but run on your PC or Mac, saving space and money. Featuring all the power of the hardware versions and offering superb sounds these are an ideal option for any musicians and composers out there.
You can hear The Gadget Detective on BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex every third Monday just after 2pm and can follow and contact him on Twitter @gadgetdetective. If you enjoy these podcasts please consider subscribing and leaving a review, thanks!
First Gadget of the Week are the Korg Opsix Native and Wavestate Native softsynths. These software versions are identical to their hardware counterparts but run on your PC or Mac, saving space and money. Featuring all the power of the hardware versions and offering superb sounds these are an ideal option for any musicians and composers out there.
You can hear The Gadget Detective on BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex every third Monday just after 2pm and can follow and contact him on Twitter @gadgetdetective. If you enjoy these podcasts please consider subscribing and leaving a review, thanks!