2/2: #PRC: #Solomons: Outmaneuvering Canberra, Tokyo, Delhi and D.C. #PRC lands on Guadalcanal. @CleoPaskal @FDD.
Apr 27, 2022, 12:47 AM
2/2: #PRC: #Solomons: Outmaneuvering Canberra, Tokyo, Delhi and D.C. #PRC lands on Guadalcanal. @CleoPaskal @FDD.
Cleo Paskal @CleoPaskal @FDD, associate Fellow at Chatham House; Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University, India; adjunct professor of Global Change, School of Communication and Management Studies, Kochi, India. Non-resident senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies.