What Now - Innovating for the Future - Larry Keeley - Ludic Insights Podcast

Season 2, Episode 4,   Apr 29, 2022, 04:07 PM

What Now in Innovation? The new ‘What now’ Ludic Insights episode is out now, with Larry Keeley, Innovation Scientist and Futurist! 

What are the big trends?  What has emerged from the pandemic that we should pay attention to going forward? What are the opportunities for global innovation? How are people adapting to change? Can we be less fearful and more curious? 

Listen to the podcast today! 

What now?! on the current and future trends! What now?! on the huge pivot after the global pandemic! What now?! following the impact of digital on the way we live, work and learn.
Hosted by Garrick Jones and Paul Ashcroft
Produced by Aliki Paolinelis, edited by Roman Pechersky 

If you haven’t done so already, join in, subscribe and stay tuned to explore the most influential perspectives and conversations.

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