4/4 Elbridge Colby, Jerry Hendrix, Edward "Sonny" Masso. #UNBOUND: China, Taiwan. The complete, forty-minute interview. October 13, 2021. @Batchelorshow @ElbridgeColby @JerryHendrixII

Apr 30, 2022, 11:30 PM

Photo:  1961年旅美臺灣人在紐約聯合國外要求自由、自決、與福爾摩沙人的福爾摩沙   
             Taiwanese Americans Demand Freedom, Self-Determination, and Formosans' Formosa

4/4 Elbridge Colby, Jerry Hendrix, Edward "Sonny" Masso. #UNBOUND. The complete, forty-minute interview. October 13, 2021.

CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network

Hong Kong — President Joe Biden said on Thursday that the United States would defend Taiwan if China ever attacked the democratically governed island. The White House quickly walked back his remark as analysts tried to discern whether Mr. Biden might have been signalling a change in Washington's long-held policy of "strategic ambiguity" over the role the U.S. would play in the event of a military conflict between China and Taiwan

Colby @ElbridgeColby , The Marathon Initiative.