Episode548-3 Count
May 17, 2022, 07:00 AM
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight's show we will discuss:
Count 1 - Freddie Prinze Jr. Got Advice From Cody Rhodes For His New Wrestling Promotion (thirstyfornews.com)
Count 2 - WWE Releases Expected 'Soon And Regularly' (wrestlingnews.co)
Count 3 - MJF Claims Someone In AEW Upper Management Has A Problem With Him (wrestlinginc.com)
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Count 1 - Freddie Prinze Jr. Got Advice From Cody Rhodes For His New Wrestling Promotion (thirstyfornews.com)
Count 2 - WWE Releases Expected 'Soon And Regularly' (wrestlingnews.co)
Count 3 - MJF Claims Someone In AEW Upper Management Has A Problem With Him (wrestlinginc.com)
Also don't forget to download our latest App available on iOS and Android. Lastly, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE . DOWNLOAD . REVIEW . SHARE!
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