Why Clear Aligners, Invisalign over Braces Part II
Have you ever used your hands to cover your smile? Told you Snore? Wake up with headaches? In today's podcast we discuss gaining confidence in your total wellness with your smile and how in just a few months you can have the smile and improve your overall health. Join us today with Adriana Solis, Patient Care Coordinator and Mike Herzing nationally syndicated radio host as we discuss your total wellness in today's podcast with Dr. Liza Leal your Every Day Health Hacker.
Joing us today as we ABSOLUTELY share many of the roads to a medical dental approach to your overall heatlh. Join our Every Day Health Hacker, Dr. Liza Leal's Team Meridian at Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare powered by Meridian Health Institute share why Invisalign is for you! Featuring Adriana Solis and Mike Herzing nationally syndicated radio show Let's Talk Wheels share questions and thoughts as he interviews Adriana about why we want you to feel your very best today! For more information reach out to us at info@everydayhealthhacker, for nutritional supplements we recommend our website everydayhealthhacker.com and MeridianHealthInstitute.com
We are here to serve and want you to expect a difference. Come meet the doctors Dr. Duncan Foulds, Dr. Liza Leal and our beloved Dog-tor Denali, a 9 year old husky who is our service dog and works everyday with our team to help you. Call us at 281-265-6565