Moon Knight In White Satin

Episode 292,   Jun 03, 2022, 08:00 AM


The sands of Egypt are shifting in the moonlight tonight... or is it thousands of years ago? Maybe it's just Khonshu shifting the night sky to help the one and only Moon Knight dish out justice for the wrongs that they've committed. No matter how you slice it, an avatar's job is never done!

The time has come to turn on Disney+ and check out the newest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the small screen. Pat and BeeJay have made a deal with the podcast gods to be their avatars while dishing about the (first) season of Moon Knight as Oscar Isaac brings the night traveler to the small screen. The show introduces the world to quirky Steven Grant, a mild mannered museum employee who doesn't want to fall asleep because he wakes up in the strangest places. He, and the viewers, then meet Marc Spector in the mirror and from there, Steven's world will never be the same. Clad in a white suit, Marc Spector/Moon Knight dishes out the justice of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of the night. This story takes a turn when Steven dons the Mr. Knight suit and even more twists and turns are in store with the addition of Layla and Arthur Harrow and a cast of gods including the banished Ammit and the SUPER ADORABLE Taweret. Will Marc and Steven be able to walk away from the Moon Knight "curse" or will a surprise character keep them tied to Khonshu? Find out all this and more in this episode!

Sit back and get ready to FLAME ON!

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