Chantal Thenberg chats Equine Assisted Therapy and Life Coaching! Horses & Healing!
Episode 33, Jun 06, 2022, 12:03 AM
Sometimes things feel like they're not working out. Time and time and time again.
You're working hard, alone, you're moving mountains (or you should be for the amount of effort you are putting in!) And still the mountain just won't budge...
'That Thing' we are striving for seems eternally just out of reach. Just. Always. Out of reach... By now it feels like failure.
But what if achievement of 'the Thing' was never the point?
What if NOT achieving 'The Thing' is happening FOR you, not TO you?
Under the layers of disappointment and 'efforting' is an opportunity that is deeply enriching and character building.
Who are we without all the stuff, the identity and all of 'The Things'. Who am I if I let it all go? What may open once that is cleared out?
This is a journey so worthy of exploring because the answer will give you the strength to stand up and shine brightly for the rest of your life.
Always seek the gift beyond the wrapping.
If you'd like help navigating change in your life, DM me.