Out Now Commentary: Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Aug 13, 2022, 01:18 AM
This month’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe commentary is ready to get things done the Mike Hammer Way! Aaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Yancy Berns, and Scott Mendelson to discuss the classic film noir, Kiss Me Deadly, from director Robert Aldrich. Listen in to hear the group delve into their classic movie knowledge, discussing the path of noir in American cinema, what stands out about this late period entry, and what Aldrich brought to the material. There’s plenty more discussion about the nature of the production, how this could play with a modern audience, and lots of fun tangents as well. So now, if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill…
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- Trailer for Kiss Me Deadly
#KissMeDeadly #FilmNoir #Commentary #RalphMeeker #Robert Aldrich #AlbertDekker #PaulStewart #ClorisLeachman #MickeySpillane #MikeHammer #ClassicFilms #1950s #movies #film #entertainment #outnowpodcast #outnowwithaaronandabe