QROT-079: Oct 2020 8-hour online meeting with the experts and decision makers, but no time to show the KNOWN risks, second instance

Sep 01, 2022, 01:10 PM

A follow-up to QROT-078. Therein we showed that a person TALKED about a slide that would be showing AEs of interest as to the "solution" that caused more problems than the problem. WELL before it was released. To experts and bigwigs all around the country. So these MAJOR problems (including, unqualified... "death") literally have a slide in the presentation. Yet in QROT-078 we reveal that the speaker.. Mr. Anderson... oh... just ACCIDENTALLY no doubt.. while talking generally around the slide (without mentioning ONE risk that it listed) "did not realize" that the slide was not actually SHOWING.  So then they flick through the slide in less than a second as he goes to the slide after.

Another interesting aspect: This Tom fool SWALLOWS right before he is going to not mention the slides with the risks.. as he's instead just finishing the last phrase of his summary slide. THAT "swallow" is the indication of the tiny amount of conscience he still has, as he realizes he is among the group of people abandoning the Hippocratic oath (he is an M.D.) and instead fully embracing overt 100% salesmanship instead, risks to patients and informed choice be damned.

2:30 Mr Anderson's audio, where the slide with details SHOULD be showing for about 24 seconds. "Tom has this list. . .  I won't dwell on this, he had them. . .  his presentation. . . . But it gives you a feel for the types of events. . . "

3:09 The Tom fool
(Note I probably misspoke - small point but I said this fool spoke for maybe ten or 15 minutes. It may have been just short of that... maybe only 5 to 8 minutes)
(3:29 I kind of misspoke again. I said "I don't have the video". Derr... all I meant was that I am not sharing the video because.. wait for it.. it's a podcast (yes, I'm dumb sometimes). I was referencing the video and was watching it as I recorded it and commented on it)

3:40 Background on Tom, his role, his position, what his  presentation is meant to be about.

5:53 A description of this Tom fool's summary slide... the last he shows and actually discussing out loud before he throws his "extra" slides in without mentioning them.

7:50 Audio of this Tom fool, and description of how long we see the slides.

9:45 Further commentary and analysis.

10:24 Looking at what the slides said. What were the known risks when he presented this to all the bigwigs and leaders and "experts" but decided it wasn't worthy of ONE word during his presentation, even though he was on the "safety" team.

11:10 Some layperson analysis and description of some of these risks.

Note that I described that for some of these I had covered important related aspects in other podcasts. Two of those are "TSOT025: Journal Articles: On Adjuvants, Nanoparticles, Toxicity, autoimmunity. By man's choice."; and "TSOT026: Nanoparticles, autoimmunity, hypothyroidism".

18:40 Where I captured the slides

(and further confirmation of why facebook is the enemy). Fb's rationale that will basically allow no discussion, even though it is "logical" (rules can be too broad too. Not just people can be tyrannical, but the tools they put in place can be too).

(for instance... you can ALWAYS "add more context." Ridiculous - not everything is a full article. Most things are not. They're trying to make the point at hand. If that point is strong enough and pointed enough, it stands on its own.)

22:30 Summary of what happened during the meeting.

Other related episodes (though there are many others):
QROT-24: Expert cardiologist confirming my points, plus developments
QROT-050: Spike proteins are awful in the virus. And you produce them by taking the vaccine. But don't worry - we tell them to be good guys then
QROT-063: A Bibliography for Upcoming Episodes

Thanks for listening! Please feel free to email me at tysonharley1776@duck.com with requests for appearances, thoughts, feedback, questions, observations, or show ideas! Please like my episodes and follow my show if that is what feels right to you!