QROT-080: Science says nanoparticles cause autoimmunity. But "Science" says we should use them to treat autoimmunity.

Sep 08, 2022, 05:59 AM

For those of you who listen loyally, you'll know the irony / contradiction that is the following "journal article." 

"Nanoparticle-based autoimmune disease therapy"

I give a little background, and excerpts from some of the related episodes, and then analyze briefly.

(TLDR (DL?)) on my analysis: Nanoparticles are ADMITTED, in the journals, to CAUSE autoimmune disease!! And at least some of the mechanism is elementary and known! Yet, the right-brain-shut-down loony tunes pharma companies with a straight face are literally saying they should treat autoimmunity by using nanoparticles.

In other news, crazy people are suggesting that a pack a day would be a great way to treat lung cancer. What with smoking relaxing you and all.

Related episodes:
QROT-063: A Bibliography for Upcoming Episodes

TSOT025: Journal Articles: On Adjuvants, Nanoparticles, Toxicity, autoimmunity. By man's choice.
TSOT026: Nanoparticles, autoimmunity, hypothyroidism
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