TSOT041: Lyins and tigers, monkey business and bare fraud, oh my - [A summary and review of 2K Donkeys]

Sep 15, 2022, 01:30 PM

It's obvious what happened in the pop-up zoo that had the most visitors 12 months after the 11th month of 2019* . Your instincts were correct if you have instincts. I know that. You know that. But I finally delved into watching and absorbing the important aspects of heroic efforts to prove it.

Grand Canyon State
Badger State
Keystone State (cue the Keystone Kops music, by the way)
The Peach State
The Wolverine State

-The ridiculous solidity of both the day-tuh, the comprehensiveness of it, and of the sources for it.
----- it's the same data already mined on you and sold to brokers as information as commodity).
----- More than a petabite (sp on purpose)**.
----- Ten TRILLION data points.
----- The incredibly safe extra-cautious assumptions as to why we're they've named only 2K donkeys
--------- by taking a few stacked assumptions that together rule out any possible innocent explanation for the lyins' activities by many scales.
----------Absolutely no falss paws itivs.

- The general layout of the zoo.
- The amazing double-documentation via "zoo video" that shows the same lyins who already have data that confirms what they've done, now seen on camera, via ONLY official video.
- The effect of even this HIGHLY conservative count of the lyins on the final result
----- (HINT: Had the zookeepers kept the lyins and the other animals under better control, the head lyin' would not be the head lyin' today.
----- If one brings in more common sense numbers, that can ALSO be directly figured from their dayda, then we see in essence a "mudslide" in the opposite direction. Just like your instincts told you 22 months ago (assuming you have instincts)

- And recall.. this is only five zoos, of the potentially hundreds or thousands that might be overrun with lyins.

Truly this opens and shuts the case on why this zoo is not licensed and should be shut down immediately, and the lyins put down for the diseases they carry and pass on. Please go find the original vid. Support heroes.

There are true heroes in this story - those telling it. What I wouldn't give to be able to be making my living doing these kinds of heroic analyses.

Truly, while standing on the shoulders of giants, this is nonetheless possibly the most important episode I've done. If we'll just ABSORB it for the reality that it proves.

61:06 Closing thoughts

*(sometimes I do the purposeful vagueness and misspells to get around the algo-censoring. A real person MAY just have enough conscience to let it be, if they listen to ANY of this to hear how solid it is. So if I can throw off the robots. And, even though I subscribe to Spotify, I know they at LEAST will try to either sensorrr or try to add "warnings" that psychologically deter or influence certain listeners if they detect certain content. )

** Enough to hold so many 4K movies that you could watch them for 2.5 years non-stop without rewatching any of them. But of course the basic info isn't all the info needed for 4K video, but instead basic format of precise info (latttt/longggg, elevayyshun, fone I-Dee, time stamp). 

Thanks for listening! Please feel free to email me at tysonharley1776@duck.com with requests for appearances, thoughts, feedback, questions, observations, or show ideas! Please like my episodes and follow my show if that is what feels right to you!