How slow fashion sustains the life of a community built around an ancient Goddess Buddhist Temple with Dayan Cutler creator of True Passion Soul Wear.

Season 1, Episode 10,   Oct 09, 2022, 10:00 PM

In this episode you will get to listen to a conversation about slow fashion, resourcing sustainable materials, abundance, the power of the dreams,
community living in Nepal, Crystal Earth Community & details about its school,
True Passion Soul Wear Atelier and handcraft production.
To contact Dayan, To contact Oihana,

In this episode you will get to listen to a conversation about
  • slow fashion,
  • resourcing sustainable materials,
  • abundance,
  • the power of the dreams, 
  • how to weave dreams, skills and community living,
  • community living in Nepal,
  • Crystal Earth Community & details about its school,
  • True Passion Soul Wear Atelier and handcraft production.
To support this podcast share it with friends, subscribe and rate it.
Ibiza Refuge for Dreamers web
Where to find Dayan Cutler,
IG- @truepassionsoulwear
Where to find Oihana Galor-Dual
IG- @ibizarefugedreamers, @oihanagalordual11
Music at the end of the episode Ryan Whitewolf- love yourself
Music of the trailer, Mateos Ulrich
Audio Assistance,

En este episodio escuchar una conversación sobre
  • Slow Fashion,
  • materiales sostenibles,
  • abundancia,
  • el poder de los sueños,
  • la creación de Crystal Earth Community desde sus inicios,
  • Detalles de la escuela,
  • Los pormenores de True Passion Soul Wear Atelier
  • Algunas historias de los trabajadores de True Fashion Soul Wear.
Para apoyar el podcast compártelo con amigos, suscríbete y escríbe una reseña en Spotify or Apple podcasts. Gracias.
Ibiza Refuge for Dreamers web
Cómo contactar con Dayan Cutler,
IG- @truepassionsoulwear
Cómo contactar con Oihana Galor-Dual,
IG- @ibizarefugedreamers, @oihanagalordual11.
Music at the end of the episode Ryan Whitewolf- love yourself
Music of the trailer, Mateos Ulrich
Audio Assistance,