Cédric Simonet of Altona Rare Earths: Monte Muambe progresses towards maiden Mineral Resource Estimate
Episode 982, Oct 26, 2022, 06:59 AM
Cédric Simonet COO of Altona Rare Earths #ANR provides an operational update as they progress Monte Muambe towards a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate in Q1 and Scoping Study in Q2.
* Operations progressing on schedule
* Drilling on Target 1 and Target 4 continue to define orebodies suitable for an open-pit mining operation
* Target 3 and Target 10 undergoing preliminary investigation
* Samples sent away for analysis ahead of publication of Resource Estimate in Q1 2023
Exploration activities continued in accordance with Altona's 2022 project plan and budget, with the immediate next milestones being the completion of the project's maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (Q1 2023) and Scoping Study (Q2 2023).
* Operations progressing on schedule
* Drilling on Target 1 and Target 4 continue to define orebodies suitable for an open-pit mining operation
* Target 3 and Target 10 undergoing preliminary investigation
* Samples sent away for analysis ahead of publication of Resource Estimate in Q1 2023
Exploration activities continued in accordance with Altona's 2022 project plan and budget, with the immediate next milestones being the completion of the project's maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (Q1 2023) and Scoping Study (Q2 2023).