Gisele Fetterman

Episode 163,   Oct 27, 2022, 07:00 PM

Jill Wine-Banks and Victor Shi come together 12 days before the midterm elections and welcome Gisele Feterman. Gisele is the Second Lady of Pennsylvania and the wife of U.S. Senate Candidate from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman. What will it take to hold onto the Senate? How is the Fetterman campaign looking 12 days before the election? They discuss all of this and more. 

Get More From Gisele Fetterman: 
Twitter | Instagram | John Fetterman for Senate | Washington Post: Gisele Fetterman, forging on through her husband’s heated Senate race 

Get More From Victor and Jill

Jill Wine-Banks:
Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President | iGen Politics

Victor Shi:
Twitter |Medium | Blog w/Jill Wine-BanksFormer Biden Delegate: @Bideninaugural | iGen Politics

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