First Black Champ: Clubhouse Wrestling Federation

Jan 18, 2021, 09:21 PM

With all due respect, real wrestling conversations aren’t for the newbies. This week JR Bang makes it crystal clear why everybody can’t be the champ and how somebody needs to play the mid card! We do that after we pull the curtain back and provide insight on why RAW may not have a problem with storylines....This issue just might be the champ and how stories are delivered.

The fan or hate mail will increase after this weeks #FBCPod! We’re good either way.

With all due respect, real wrestling conversations aren’t for the newbies. This week JR Bang makes it crystal clear why everybody can’t be the champ and how somebody needs to play the mid card! We do that after we pull the curtain back and provide insight on why RAW may not have a problem with storylines....This issue just might be the champ and how stories are delivered.

The fan or hate mail will increase after this weeks #FBCPod! We’re good either way.