Favorite Abrasives For Grinding Steel FT. Bob Moffatt

Season 4, Episode 4,   Nov 28, 2022, 02:56 PM


This video is an excerpt from one of our Happy Hour Live Streams where Bob Moffatt was my guest.
I asked him what his favorite type of abrasives are.

This video is an excerpt from one of our Happy Hour Live Streams where Bob Moffatt was my guest.

I asked him what his favorite type of abrasives are.

I'll tell ya, there is a lot of choices out there and I like to try new ones as often as I can. 
I think my preference is a good ol ¼ thick hard disk and a 60 grit flap disk.
Seems like I can get almost everything I need to do, done with those.
Comment and tell me your preference!
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More Information and Helpful Things:
By the way, if you would like some plans or designs to build your own smoker, I have a few options for you!

here's some options:

1- Grab a FREE Set of Reverse Flow Smoker Plans for a 24 diameter by 48 inch long cooking chamber! Just pay the $12.95 S&H and I will send them right to your door!

Click here to grab your FREE Copy!

2- Grab your FREE Copy of these 250 Gallon Offset Smoker Plans for a propane tank! Same thing here, just pay the $12.95 S&H and I will send them right to your door!

Click here to grab your FREE Copy!

3- If you would like a bigger or a smaller smoker then visit our website to scroll through over 200 other smoker plans and designs that will show you everything you need to know to build your own dream smoker!

Click Here to visit our website!

4- If you need help learning how to weld or would like someone to teach you how to improve your skill then check out our In Person Welding Classes!
They are scheduled several times per year and are held at our shop in Rolla, MO.

Click here to learn more!

Like I said, please like this video and subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a thing!

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