2/2: Day-dreaming of Springtime in December: 2/2 The joy of the many chapters of the fern and the butterfly. Oliver Morton, Senior Editor, Briefings @TheEconomist. (Originally posted September 21, 2021)#v
Dec 01, 2022, 02:11 AM
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2/2: Day-dreaming of Springtime in December: 2/2 The joy of the many chapters of the fern and the butterfly. Oliver Morton, Senior Editor, Briefings @TheEconomist. (Originally posted September 21, 2021)#v
2/2: Day-dreaming of Springtime in December: 2/2 The joy of the many chapters of the fern and the butterfly. Oliver Morton, Senior Editor, Briefings @TheEconomist. (Originally posted September 21, 2021)#v