Paul Hill: The 3 levels of an investor and some stocks to follow
Episode 1060, Dec 02, 2022, 06:12 PM
Paul Hill, full time investor and equity analyst talks about the 3 levels all investors fall into and the importance of knowing which level you're comfortable with pls some stocks to following including:
Argentex #AGFX
Equals #EQLS
Venture Life #VLG
Lunglife AI #LLAI
XP Factory #XPF
Opportunity in corporate bonds
Polarean Imaging #POLX
Biome Tech#BIOM
Gfinity #GFIN
Future #FUTR
K3 Capital #K3C
Argentex #AGFX
Equals #EQLS
Venture Life #VLG
Lunglife AI #LLAI
XP Factory #XPF
Opportunity in corporate bonds
Polarean Imaging #POLX
Biome Tech#BIOM
Gfinity #GFIN
Future #FUTR
K3 Capital #K3C