Clinical Challenges in Surgical Education: KeyLIME Podcast Crossover

Dec 12, 2022, 10:00 AM

Dipping your toes in the water of surgical education research can be a daunting task if you have no prior experience, even if you have done basic or clinical research before. How do you create a good surgical education research project? How can clinicians get involved in and find mentors for surgical education research? Is formal postgraduate training becoming necessary for a career in surgical education? Luckily, we invite Dr. Jon Sherbino and Dr. Lara Varpio, hosts of the successful KeyLIME (Key Literature in Medical Education) podcast to share their valuable insights on medical education research with us. Check out KeyLIME on their website at and subscribe to KeyLIME on iTunes, Spotify, or Google podcasts!

Learning Objectives
1.     Listeners will identify that surgical education applies the same rigor as other areas of research.
2.     Listeners will describe how observations within clinical practice and review of literature can lead to creation of a good research question.
3.     Listeners will describe how research questions should align with theory and methodology, which then align with conclusions for a research project.
4.     Listeners will identify that collaboration with colleagues with expertise in surgical education research, including education scientists, is important for successful completion of research with high rigor. 
5.     Listeners will recognize advantages and disadvantages to formal training in education research, including fellowship and master’s degree programs.

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