ECR Minerals Andrew Scott, Andrew Haythorpe & Adam Jones discuss Creswick and plans for 2023

Dec 24, 2022, 01:43 PM

ECR Minerals plc (LON: ECR), the exploration and development company focused on gold in Australia, is pleased to announce updated soil sampling results from the on-going geochemistry exploration on EL006184 at Creswick, Victoria, Australia. These results highlight a potential new parallel gold system within the Dimocks Main Shale (DMS).

ECR Minerals plc has 100% ownership of the Creswick Project within licence areas EL006184 and EL006907, which resides 14km north-east of the City of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. License EL006907 also links Creswick to the Ballarat East-Nerrina Goldfield. The Company is exploring a number of parallel-gold mineralisation trends that are believed to extend 10km south towards Ballarat.

ECR CEO Andrew Haythorpe commented: “With so much investor interest focussed on Creswick, it is gratifying to see the project move into a new and exciting phase of development. My visit to Creswick with Adam Jones earlier this year and the subsequent success from the re assay of the drill core confirmed to me that our asset has considerable potential to host gold at several locations.”

“Today’s soil geochem results and the subsequent new gold system identified confirm beyond doubt that Creswick is host to a gold system that warrants an extended and detailed exploration campaign.”

“We will continue to employ LIDAR Geochem across our Creswick tenements as we draw up a list of drill targets in 2023. I look forward to reporting back to you very shortly with further progress.”