#Bestof2021: Bob Zimmerman reflects on Collins, Armstrong and Aldrin in Apollo 11, July 1969: Farewell to the Most Alone Man in Human History: Michael Collins on the far side of the Moon, July, 1969. Bob Zimmerman, BehindtheBlack.com (Originally posted Ap

Dec 30, 2022, 02:15 AM

Photo: No known restrictions on publication.
Close-up views of key flight controllers in the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) during the Apollo 11 lunar touchdown. July 15, 1969

#Bestof2021: Bob Zimmerman reflects on Collins, Armstrong and Aldrin in Apollo 11, July 1969: Farewell to the Most Alone Man in Human History: Michael Collins on the far side of the Moon, July, 1969. Bob Zimmerman, BehindtheBlack.com (Originally posted April 28, 2021)


Carrying the Fire: 50th Anniversary Edition Apr 16, 2019
by Michael Collins

Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8: The First Manned Mission to Another World Kindle Edition 

Leaving Earth: Space Stations, Rival Superpowers, and the Quest for Interplanetary Travel Kindle Edition