Out Now Bonus: Dubbya 3 – The Whale, White Noise & Women Talking
Jan 04, 2023, 08:32 AM
This bonus Out Now with Aaron & Abe is tackling the dubba dubba dubba dubba dubbya three! Aaron and Abe discuss The Whale (4:44), White Noise (42:05), and Women Talking (1:08:55) in three separate reviews, with enough consideration given to each. Hear what the duo had to say about these unique features from Darren Aronofsky, Noah Baumbach, and Sarah Polley. Plus, there’s time for some Out Now Feedback as well. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…
- Get yourself a free audiobook and help out the show at AudibleTrial.com/OutNowPodcast!
- Follow all of us on Twitter: @Outnow_Podcast, @AaronsPS4, @WalrusMoose
- Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, We Live Entertainment
- Check out Aaron’s review for The Whale
- LCD Soundsystem’s “New Body Rhumba”
- Trailers for The Whale, White Noise, Women Talking
- Next Time: Avatar: The Way of Water and Glass Onion - Spoilers
#TheWhale #WhiteNoise #WomenTalking #BrendanFraser #HongChau #SadieSink #DarrenAronofsky #SarahPolley #NoahBaumbach #AdamDriver #GretaGerwig #DonCheadle #RooneyMara #ClaireFoy #JessieBuckley #BenWhishaw #movie #entertainment #film #outnowpodcast #outnowwithaaronandabe #newbodyrhumba