Out Now Bonus: Avatar & Glass Onion – Spoiler Sessions

Jan 07, 2023, 04:13 AM

This bonus Out Now with Aaron & Abe is lifting the curtain on Pandora, with a stopover on the Aegean Sea. Having been out a few weeks, Aaron and Abe had extended discussions regarding Avatar: The Way of Water (13:46) and Glass Onion: A Benoit Blanc Mystery (1:02:23), complete with spoiler-focused conversations and more. Hear what the duo had to say about these hit films from directors James Cameron and Rian Johnson. Plus, there’s time for some Out Now Quickies™ as well. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#glassonion #avatar #netflix #20thcenturystudios #rianjohnson #jamescameron #danielcraig #janellemonae #katehudson #edwardnorton #davebautista #kathyrnhahn #leslieodomjr #jessicahenwick #samworthington #zoesaldana #stephenlang #katewinslet #sigourneyweaver #cliffcurtis #entergalactic #matilda #moonagedaydream #badaxe #meetmeinthebathroom #film #movie #entertainment #outnowpodcast #outnowwithaaronandabe