Robin Daly - Yes To Life Show - Episode 5

Episode 5,   Jan 13, 2023, 04:01 AM


The Yes to Life Show is all about cancer. As we rapidly approach the point where half of us will get cancer, there are some pretty stark questions facing us that the show attempts to throw light on:
• What are we doing wrong?
• Why has the colossal investment in research produced so few answers?
• What are we missing?
And crucially to all the above - What is cancer?

In pursuing these questions, Robin Daly talks to a fascinating mix of scientists, oncologists, practitioners and extraordinary survivors who have exceeded all expectations by thinking outside of ‘the box’. Questions are asked about that box, what its assumptions are, what is in there and why, and what the strengths and weaknesses of ‘in the box’ approaches are. The show also casts a wide net outside ‘the box’, looking at any approaches that could be of benefit to those with cancer, and the question of the merits of Integrative Medicine.

Patient Led - Mark Sean Taylor started an initiative to try to find out what the most effective integrative protocols consist of.