Kevin Durjun - Acupuncture Point - Episode 4

Episode 4,   Jan 20, 2023, 04:00 AM


In his upbeat and friendly show, Acupuncture Point, five element acupuncture practitioner Kevin Durjun will explore the many different paths that we can take to achieve good health on the levels of our minds, bodies and our souls. He will interview a wide range of people from practitioners to policy makers and will also provide health related updates particularly in the field of complementary health. As he is an acupuncturist there will be plenty of Chinese medicine related content. He will also play some gorgeous music to uplift your soul and get your feet tapping with happiness.

Meet Claudine Matthews, a woman on a mission to transform the lives of people living with sickle cell disease. We hear why people with this condition have nutritional advice as part of their care plan.

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