Episode #159 – Protectors of the Land
Feb 03, 2023, 09:35 PM
The hosts of Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast have been covering Wolf Pack, Jeff Davis’ new show on Paramount+, and return with another weekly recap and discussion of episode 2, “Two Bitten, Two Born.” Just a reminder this is NOT a Teen Wolf spinoff, even if it’s about some wolf teens. We have even wilder theories this week, and you’ll be happy (or disgruntled) to know that we have not stopped saying such phrases as “wolf daddy” and “ram daddy.” Proceed at your own risk, but just know that there’s a lot of mystery and intrigue when you’re tuning into Wolf Pack.
- We’ve been so busy with all of our Subjectify Media projects, but that just means we’ve got a lot of cool articles coming out soon!
- It’s time to talk about Wolf Pack season 1, episode 2, “Two Bitten, Two Born.”
- This episode picks up right where the last one left off.
- We really love Ranger Prisha Amad’s character and her relationship with Harlan and Luna.
- These kids are a hot mess and they need to get better at lying.
- We talk about the fact that this show seems real and gritty and messy in a good way.
- Really, it comes down to the characters and the fact that they’re nuanced and complex and three-dimensional.
- Did Ranger Amad not see they almost got into a fatal car accident??
- Were Luna and Everett friends? Do they have a history with each other?
- Why did Everett and Blake’s bites suddenly heal?
- Karen sets the record straight about her feelings for Everett’s dad.
- That slap in the face wasn’t hard but it felt VIOLENT.
- Was Kendra startled by what she did? Did she regret it?
- How often does something like this happen, and why didn’t the father step in?
- There are a lot of subtle horror cues throughout the entire episode, and Karen is LIVING for it.
- Is there something else going on with Danny? Can he sense what’s going on with Blake?
- When we first watched Ranger Amad show the kids where she thought Garrett was, we thought she was clued into their secret.
- It turns out that Harlan and Luna don’t really know anything about werewolves, especially those that’ve been bitten.
- Oh, and we get a confirmation that Garrett is the only one who knows about their abilities.
- Is it possible that bitten and born werewolves have different powers?
- We’re glad the bite didn’t make Everett’s anxiety go away—but it almost makes it seem like it’s gotten worse.
- Did Blake and Everett have a shared dream?
- What do we think of their immediate connection? Is there any chance they could last?
- Is there any reason why the monster would want to keep Garrett alive?
- The truth is, we don’t know if the monster chasing them is actually the same monster that bit them.
- Did Blake and Everett really think a dresser would stop the monster?
- What kind of insurance did Blake’s dad miss payments for?
- The idea that Blake’s dad is in the top half of best parents on the show is…saying something.
- And Everett’s mom just keeps getting worse.
- This show definitely knows it has Sarah Michelle Gellar on it.
- We realize that Kristin is being the most performative character on the show, and it’s totally on purpose.
- Wasn’t it kind of weird we didn’t see any of Kristin’s chats with the kids?
- We were not prepared to learn that more kids had been bitten, and it begs the question—why is Connor different from Everett and Blake?
- What was going on with Harlan at the gym, and is the guy in the yellow tank top important?
- Is Harlan more keen than anyone for romantic love?
- This episode confirmed that the kids were not found with their dead mother.
- Garrett probably never had a dating life thanks to his werewolf babies.
- What did he end up telling the person he told about the wolf pups?
- Does Blake’s power only work at night? Is this why Harlan was so surprised his powers were going haywire during the day?
- Horse Daddy or Horse Mommy?
- Natalie has a pretty cool theory about the werewolves and all the animal spirits we keep seeing.
- We loved how well Everett and Danny got along.
- If Everett and Blake end up being fated mates, how will we feel about that?
- Was the phone call that Connor got different from the other ones?
- That part where Connor had to break his cast was horrific.
- Maybe getting the bite doesn’t guarantee you become a werewolf?
- Luna is super into this werewolf thing, isn’t she??
- Do you think Connor is dead or alive?
- What are our lingering questions by the end of this episode? Anything we’re looking forward to?
- What theories do we have for next week’s episode?
- Make sure you tune into Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast episode #160 for our interview with Tyler Lawrence Gray, who plays Harlan on Wolf Pack!
This episode’s hosts are: Karen Rought and Natalie Fisher.
Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast was the first-ever Teen Wolf podcast in existence, offering its listeners an in-depth analysis of the hit MTV show. From 2012 to 2017, the Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast team brought you episode recaps, convention coverage and exclusive interviews, plus in-depth discussion of all aspects of Teen Wolf, from mythology to cast side projects. Now we’re back to cover the Teen Wolf movie on Paramount Plus, as well as the new Jeff Davis werewolf show Wolf Pack!
Paramount+ has provided a special offer for our listeners: if you don’t already have the service, new subscribers can use the code THEPACKISBACK to get a free 30-day trial to check out Paramount+ and stream Wolf Pack and Teen Wolf: The Movie! Please note, this offer is only valid until 3/31/23.
Terms and conditions: New subscribers get 1-month free Paramount+ subscription (while supplies last). Offer expires 3/31/23. After free period, SUBSCRIPTION AUTOMATICALLY RENEWS ON MONTHLY OR ANNUAL BASIS AND YOUR CREDIT CARD AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED BASED ON SELECTED PLAN (+TAX), AT START OF EACH BILLING PERIOD UNLESS YOU CANCEL. Cancel any time on account page, effective at end of the billing cycle. No refunds. Restrictions apply.
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Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast is a Subjectify Media podcast production. Visit Subjectify Media for more shows, including Prophecy Radio, ReWatchable, and Not About The Weather, and for all our latest articles about the stories we’re passionate about.
Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast was the first-ever Teen Wolf podcast in existence, offering its listeners an in-depth analysis of the hit MTV show. From 2012 to 2017, the Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast team brought you episode recaps, convention coverage and exclusive interviews, plus in-depth discussion of all aspects of Teen Wolf, from mythology to cast side projects. Now we’re back to cover the Teen Wolf movie on Paramount Plus, as well as the new Jeff Davis werewolf show Wolf Pack!
Paramount+ has provided a special offer for our listeners: if you don’t already have the service, new subscribers can use the code THEPACKISBACK to get a free 30-day trial to check out Paramount+ and stream Wolf Pack and Teen Wolf: The Movie! Please note, this offer is only valid until 3/31/23.
Terms and conditions: New subscribers get 1-month free Paramount+ subscription (while supplies last). Offer expires 3/31/23. After free period, SUBSCRIPTION AUTOMATICALLY RENEWS ON MONTHLY OR ANNUAL BASIS AND YOUR CREDIT CARD AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED BASED ON SELECTED PLAN (+TAX), AT START OF EACH BILLING PERIOD UNLESS YOU CANCEL. Cancel any time on account page, effective at end of the billing cycle. No refunds. Restrictions apply.
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Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast is a Subjectify Media podcast production. Visit Subjectify Media for more shows, including Prophecy Radio, ReWatchable, and Not About The Weather, and for all our latest articles about the stories we’re passionate about.