EP149 "Welcome to Florida" w/ Craig Pittman 4-22-23 Solar Power in Florida

Season 1, Episode 6212,   Apr 22, 2023, 01:24 PM


Solar power in Florida

Did you know Florida receives only 5% of its electricity from solar power? Not good for the Sunshine State. That's why we receive an "F" from the Center for Biological Diversity when it comes to solar generation. Our guest this episode is James Fenton, Director of the University of Central Florida’s Florida Solar Energy Center. James will tell us about the history of solar power in Florida, where efforts stand today, and how you can pursue solar energy for your house with Solar United Neighbors. #solar #solarpower #wecometoflorida #craigpittman #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #stpetecatalyst #Florida