EP 16 PCTA Fyre Podcast 5-15-23 "Only Alphas and Chads"
Season 1, Episode 6278, May 15, 2023, 07:23 PM
Ep. 16 - Only Alphas and Chads
Gotta go F.A.S.T! In this episode, we're joined by Tracey McConnell (she/her) and Ramsey Aziz (he/him) to discuss the role of standardized testing in elementary schools, with a particular focus on the new roll out of the Florida Assessment for Student Thinking (FAST). We explore the social and emotional effects that testing has on students, and how this may contribute to apathy towards education in later years. We also question the effectiveness of standardized testing as a means of educating young children and debate the usefulness of the data collected from these tests, considering the stress and anxiety they may cause. Tune in and find out if cool rebranding solves the system issues behind standardized testing! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pctafyre/support
#PCTA #fyre #fyrepodcast #tampabay #pinellas #pinellasteachers #radio #radiostpete
Gotta go F.A.S.T! In this episode, we're joined by Tracey McConnell (she/her) and Ramsey Aziz (he/him) to discuss the role of standardized testing in elementary schools, with a particular focus on the new roll out of the Florida Assessment for Student Thinking (FAST). We explore the social and emotional effects that testing has on students, and how this may contribute to apathy towards education in later years. We also question the effectiveness of standardized testing as a means of educating young children and debate the usefulness of the data collected from these tests, considering the stress and anxiety they may cause. Tune in and find out if cool rebranding solves the system issues behind standardized testing! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pctafyre/support
#PCTA #fyre #fyrepodcast #tampabay #pinellas #pinellasteachers #radio #radiostpete