Bernard Olivier of Lexington Gold: White Rivers Exploration acquisition presents a tremendous opportunity
Episode 1425, May 16, 2023, 09:05 AM
Bernard Olivier, CEO of Lexington Gold #LEX says the proposed acquisition of White Rivers Exploration in South Africa, which has potential resources of over 37 million ounces of gold, presents a tremendous opportunity for the company.
· WRE is a major tenement holder in the Witwatersrand gold fields of South Africa, with tenement interests covering approximately 89,499 hectares.
· WRE's current tenement interests have been estimated by WRE's management to contain potential resources of over 37 million ounces of gold (non-JORC/non-SAMREC nor other international standard compliant estimate). WRE has focussed its exploration efforts in particular on shallow (200 to 1,200m depth) deposits close to well established infrastructure (refer to Table 1 below for further details).
· WRE's tenement interests comprise 10 prospecting rights (six granted licences and four renewal applications) which are grouped into five projects.
· WRE has an incorporated Joint Venture ("JV") arrangement with Avgold Limited a subsidiary of Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (JSE:HMY) ("Harmony Gold"), the largest gold producer by volume in South Africa. Such JV project, referred to as the Jelani Resources JV, has a non-code compliant independently estimated resource of 6.02 million ounces of gold at an average grade of 6.47 g/t.
· The Witwatersrand gold fields area was historically the largest single gold producing district in the world. Total historical gold production over a century of mining activity was 2 billion ounces. It is estimated that a further 1.2 billion ounces of gold resource still remains in the Witwatersrand.
· WRE's Kroonstad project, has an independently estimated non-code compliant gold exploration resource target of between 6.06 million ounces and 62.41 million ounces with a gold grade of between 4.96 g/t and 11.54 g/t and potentially constitutes a new Witwatersrand goldfield.
· WRE is believed to own the world's largest Witwatersrand drillhole data base compiled over a ten-year period and consisting of some 2,500 mother holes with their associated assays.
· WRE was established by well-known Australian explorer, Mark Creasy, in 2002, with whom the Company has on 12 May 2023 entered into a one-year unsecured loan agreement for a principal amount of £0.3m (the "Mark Creasy Loan Agreement"). Mr Creasy will become a significant shareholder of Lexington Gold on completion of the proposed acquisition.
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· WRE is a major tenement holder in the Witwatersrand gold fields of South Africa, with tenement interests covering approximately 89,499 hectares.
· WRE's current tenement interests have been estimated by WRE's management to contain potential resources of over 37 million ounces of gold (non-JORC/non-SAMREC nor other international standard compliant estimate). WRE has focussed its exploration efforts in particular on shallow (200 to 1,200m depth) deposits close to well established infrastructure (refer to Table 1 below for further details).
· WRE's tenement interests comprise 10 prospecting rights (six granted licences and four renewal applications) which are grouped into five projects.
· WRE has an incorporated Joint Venture ("JV") arrangement with Avgold Limited a subsidiary of Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (JSE:HMY) ("Harmony Gold"), the largest gold producer by volume in South Africa. Such JV project, referred to as the Jelani Resources JV, has a non-code compliant independently estimated resource of 6.02 million ounces of gold at an average grade of 6.47 g/t.
· The Witwatersrand gold fields area was historically the largest single gold producing district in the world. Total historical gold production over a century of mining activity was 2 billion ounces. It is estimated that a further 1.2 billion ounces of gold resource still remains in the Witwatersrand.
· WRE's Kroonstad project, has an independently estimated non-code compliant gold exploration resource target of between 6.06 million ounces and 62.41 million ounces with a gold grade of between 4.96 g/t and 11.54 g/t and potentially constitutes a new Witwatersrand goldfield.
· WRE is believed to own the world's largest Witwatersrand drillhole data base compiled over a ten-year period and consisting of some 2,500 mother holes with their associated assays.
· WRE was established by well-known Australian explorer, Mark Creasy, in 2002, with whom the Company has on 12 May 2023 entered into a one-year unsecured loan agreement for a principal amount of £0.3m (the "Mark Creasy Loan Agreement"). Mr Creasy will become a significant shareholder of Lexington Gold on completion of the proposed acquisition.
To read the full RNS click here