#Bestof2021: Worldwide migration from the Global South to the Global North, is the theory: 2/2 Ceuta is the promised land. #TheGreatMigration ; locals.com/MichaelYon and Chuck Holton locals.com/ChuckHolton.(Originally posted July 6, 2021)

May 17, 2023, 01:02 AM

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1949 Lithuania

#Bestof2021: Worldwide migration from the Global South to the Global North, is the theory: 2/2   Ceuta is the promised land.  #TheGreatMigration ;
 locals.com/MichaelYon and Chuck Holton locals.com/ChuckHolton.(Originally posted July 6, 2021) 

Now travelling in the Mediterranean Basin and Mahgreb. Tracking migrants from farther south in Africa as they head for Greece or, more directly, to the EU via Italy—except Melilla and Ceuta, which are formally in Spain.  How Morocco sees the flood of humans.