Speaking and Storytelling
Jun 01, 2023, 01:00 PM
Margaret Mitchell is a master storyteller and speaker. Why? Because she believes in and invests in people. She is proof that it is never too late to create: your dream career, business, and life.
And I've always considered her a mentor. I just basically someone I want to be like when I grow up. She has has such an impact on not just my life now, not just my life, everyone that she's met. And I thought she'd be perfect to be part of this episode because often we think wealth is just monetary.
So that's one of the things I've been up to. Another thing I've been up to is participating in a class workshop for students at the Charles Drew School of Medicine and Science. And you know about that, Natalie because you also attended and chaired that one year. So that's another thing I've been doing.
So it's wonderful hearing, hearing what you've done. If before we end, is there one thing that you can talk about that maybe made you feel you not reinventing yourself, but just trying something new? Like I know your concept was people that who try something new are getting out of their comfort zone. As you said, you were an introvert. Is there something that maybe you can advise for people that are afraid to start something new or feel or that, you know, I hear 30-year-olds say they feel too old to start a whole new career?
MargetM.S.RG38@Hotmail.com back. Well, thank you very much Margaret again I don't know how many more times I can say thank you. We just really appreciate it So everyone, the show notes will have her contact information as well. So as always, we appreciate the audience being here, learning with us, and exchanging with us. If you have any questions, feedback, or topics you want to hear on Financially Savvy in 20 minutes, please send us your emails.
Keep up with Natalie, Vira, Robert, and the Podcast on Instagram. Or Just say Hi!!
Keywords for this episode:
#Financial literacy, #Money Management, #Personal Finance, #Investing tips,
#Storytelling, #Mentorship.
And I've always considered her a mentor. I just basically someone I want to be like when I grow up. She has has such an impact on not just my life now, not just my life, everyone that she's met. And I thought she'd be perfect to be part of this episode because often we think wealth is just monetary.
So that's one of the things I've been up to. Another thing I've been up to is participating in a class workshop for students at the Charles Drew School of Medicine and Science. And you know about that, Natalie because you also attended and chaired that one year. So that's another thing I've been doing.
So it's wonderful hearing, hearing what you've done. If before we end, is there one thing that you can talk about that maybe made you feel you not reinventing yourself, but just trying something new? Like I know your concept was people that who try something new are getting out of their comfort zone. As you said, you were an introvert. Is there something that maybe you can advise for people that are afraid to start something new or feel or that, you know, I hear 30-year-olds say they feel too old to start a whole new career?
MargetM.S.RG38@Hotmail.com back. Well, thank you very much Margaret again I don't know how many more times I can say thank you. We just really appreciate it So everyone, the show notes will have her contact information as well. So as always, we appreciate the audience being here, learning with us, and exchanging with us. If you have any questions, feedback, or topics you want to hear on Financially Savvy in 20 minutes, please send us your emails.
Keep up with Natalie, Vira, Robert, and the Podcast on Instagram. Or Just say Hi!!
Keywords for this episode:
#Financial literacy, #Money Management, #Personal Finance, #Investing tips,
#Storytelling, #Mentorship.