"Typewriter Talks" 6-25-23: Chelsea Catherine;12:20pm Sundays RadioStPete

Season 1, Episode 6392,   Jun 27, 2023, 01:54 AM


This week our guest is Chelsea Catherine. Chelsea has lived and worked all over the country. They won the Mary C Mohr award for nonfiction through the Southern Indiana Review and their second book, Summer of the Cicadas, won the Quill Prose Award from Red Hen Press. In 2022, they spent a month in Alaska at the Alderworks Artists Retreat. They are part of a cohort of ValleyCreates artist grantees in Western Massachusetts and their story, The Not-Deer, was recently published in an anthology out of London, UK. Their work can be found in Hobart, Passengers Journal, The Florida Review, and others. Their work can be found at ⁠chelseacatherinewriter.com. #keepstpetelit #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #typewritertalks