Vox Markets Fund Manager Series: Q&A with James Thorne, Fund Manager at Columbia Threadneedle

Episode 1503,   Jun 27, 2023, 12:24 PM

(Watch the video interview HERE)

00:00 Outlook for equities
08:30 Generative AI
10:35 Future #FUTR
13:20 Argentex #AGFX
15:55 Equals #EQLS
18:45 Oxford Biomedica (OXB
23:00 Totally #TLY
25:25 activeops #AOM
28:30 FD Tech#FDP
33:20 Blancco Tech #BLTG
36:30 Crest Nicholson #CRST
39:05 Chemring #CHG
42:40 Avingtrans #AVG
46:30 DiscoverIE #DSCV
48:30 Senior #SNR
51:20 Essentra #ESNT
53:55 Manolete #MANO
57:30 Tekmar #TGP
59:25 Mirriad Advertising #MIRI