MELR0210 #15 - 90210 "Perfect Mom"

May 11, 2020, 04:08 PM


On this week's 90210-centric episode of MELR0210, the gang is joined by resident Jackie Taylor Expert, Steve's wife, Jenn, to discuss the truly bonkers episode, "Perfect Mom"! Originally airing November 22nd, 1990, this episode features the mother-daughter fashion show to end all mother-daughter fashion shows, Jackie Taylor blowing rails in front of Kelly AND Cindy, Jim Walsh learning the keyboard for some reason, Brandon cruelly toying with Andrea's heart yet again, David reaching god-tier pervert status, and several pitchers of vodka with lemon! PLUS: A Beverly Hills home that looks almost exactly like the Power Rangers' headquarters! "Rangers! Get out there and find Zordon some more blow!"

MELR0210 is a new show we put together to help you pass the time during this more-than-necessary social distancing period. New episodes will air Mondays and Thursdays, right here on the main feed! So stay home, tune in, and yearn for the more innocent and sexy time of the 1990s!

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