Midweek Takeaway with Leon Coetzer, CEO of Jubilee Metals (AIM:JLP) #JLP

Season 5, Episode 76,   Aug 23, 2023, 06:30 AM

Phil Carroll and Kevin Hornsby talk to Leon regarding the recent news that Jubilee Metals Group PLC has released a comprehensive update on its recent developments. In South Africa, the successful upgrade and operational launch of a brownfield processing facility marks a significant achievement, while a chrome processing partnership targeting a capacity increase of 360,000 tonnes/year for chrome concentrate and 10,000 PGM oz per annum has been forged. The company is riding the wave of favorable chrome prices and robust market support, with already substantial chrome product trading and further contributions anticipated. In Zambia, Jubilee's copper expansion strategy is progressing ahead of schedule, with equipment assembly scheduled for September 2023 and commissioning set for October 2023. The Roan upgrade will enable versatile processing of various ROM and waste sources, with an additional 6-year Copper ROM supply secured. Encouraging results from refining trials for copper recovery from tailings have sparked the establishment of a bulk semi-commercial pilot facility, aimed at confirming scalability and design assumptions. You have emphasised the strategic importance of these developments, underlining the company's resilience in navigating market volatility and its promising growth trajectory across South Africa and Zambia.

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