Out Now Commentary: True Romance (1993)
Sep 16, 2023, 08:35 AM
This month’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe commentary track is part eggplant. Aaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Yancy Berns, and Mark Hofmeyer to discuss True Romance (the director’s cut) from director Tony Scott and writer Quentin Tarantino. Listen in to hear the group discuss why this film has such a cult following 30 years later. There’s plenty of conversation revolving around Scott’s directorial choices, what Tarantino’s vision was, the stacked cast, the film’s legacy, and lots of fun tangents as well. So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…
- Follow all of us on Twitter: @Outnow_Podcast, @AaronsPS4, @WalrusMoose, @MHofmeyer, @YancyJack, @Brandon4KUHD
- Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, The Brandon Peters Show, Movies, Films & Flix, Deep Blue Sea the Pod
- Watch the Trailer for True Romance.
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