Dr. Francis Tumblety and The Railway Ripper w/Michael L. Hawley
Season 18, Episode 112, Sep 19, 2023, 08:00 AM
True Crime Tuesday presents: Dr. Francis Tumblety and The Railway Ripper with Researcher/Author, Michael L. Hawley!
Nearly lost to history were 76 similar unsolved murders and brutal assaults of women in the US during the late 19th century; heinous crimes that were committed along the railways. Shockingly, Jack the Ripper suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety cannot be eliminated as having committed each of these crimes. Even more shocking, Dr. Tumblety can corroborate his time in WhiteChapel with the time of the Jack the Ripper murders, and they mysteriously stopped when he went to America!
So, why did Scotland Yard spend time and resources to track Dr. Tumblety to America and keep an eye on him? Why was he considered a serious Jack The Ripper suspect, yet no action was taken? Better yet, why in only recent years, has Dr. Tumblety even been considered a strong suspect in the Jack The Ripper Murders? Author/Researcher Michael L. Hawley joins TCT to answer all these questions and build the case that Tumblety is the Ripper!
Get "Dr. Francis Tumblety and The Railway Ripper" here: https://bit.ly/44VgxKc
Find out more about Michael L. Hawley here: https://michaellhawley.com/home-page
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Nearly lost to history were 76 similar unsolved murders and brutal assaults of women in the US during the late 19th century; heinous crimes that were committed along the railways. Shockingly, Jack the Ripper suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety cannot be eliminated as having committed each of these crimes. Even more shocking, Dr. Tumblety can corroborate his time in WhiteChapel with the time of the Jack the Ripper murders, and they mysteriously stopped when he went to America!
So, why did Scotland Yard spend time and resources to track Dr. Tumblety to America and keep an eye on him? Why was he considered a serious Jack The Ripper suspect, yet no action was taken? Better yet, why in only recent years, has Dr. Tumblety even been considered a strong suspect in the Jack The Ripper Murders? Author/Researcher Michael L. Hawley joins TCT to answer all these questions and build the case that Tumblety is the Ripper!
Get "Dr. Francis Tumblety and The Railway Ripper" here: https://bit.ly/44VgxKc
Find out more about Michael L. Hawley here: https://michaellhawley.com/home-page
Get unlimited talk, text + high speed data delivered on the nation's largest 5G network for just 15 bucks a month! Switch to Mint Mobile today! To get your new wireless plan, go to https://www.mintmobile.com/darkness
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