5.10 | Steve Stockton: Appalachian Horror and Strange Stories

Jun 03, 2023, 01:01 AM

In deep shadowed forests, down back alleys and desolate reaches of road, strange encounters echo. This is a haunted world. But there ARE THOSE who are called to seek these stories out; record and preserve them so that we all might peer more eagerly into the chasm of the unknown.

From Horse Skull entities lurking in Abandoned shacks to invisible giants thundering through the woods.

On this episode of Belief Hole, we invite Bestselling Author and Renowned Storyteller, Steve Stockton, to share some of his own brushes with the Bizarre, and explore the beliefs and theories of the unsettling, the uncanny, and the unexplained.

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5.10 EXP | Steve Stockton and Bizarre Campfire Stories

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00:00 | Episode Trailer
02:29 | Coming Up! - Sleepover Demons, Quaker Phantoms at Fort Knox, Disembody Hands in the Laundry, Fairy Harbingers at School Fundraisers and much much more!
05:02 | Satan and The Sleepover | Alex Crist | Summer 1996 | Phoenix, Arizona
09:07 | Satan and The Sleepover-Discussion
14:15 | The Entities in the Attic | Cameron | Rockingham, NC | 1970’s - Present
24:25 | The Cat and The Closet | Em | 2011 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada
31:42 | The Cat and The Closet Discussion-Doorway to another Plane?
35:47 | Legend Of The Shed Behind the Cornfield
37:06 | Expansion Preview
38:17 | Expansion Discussion |Deadly Equines: The Shocking True Story of Meat-Eating and Murderous Horses
41:17 | Podcast Recommendation: Ghost Town: True Crime and Strange History
43:25 | Quaker Oates Demon |Fort Knox | Anonymous
45:23 | Quaker Oates Demon Discussion | Quaker Entity Time Shift?
50:35 | Green Hand in the Laundry | Kenny Rush | Oklahoma City, OK | 1978 | Disembodied Hand
58:12 | The Old Man and the Black Thorn Cane | Ryan | Long Island | 1997
1:01:33 | Blackthorn wood, a history of Darkness? Irish Fairy folklore
1:02:49 | Admitted Warlock (1670), Major Thomas Weir of Edinburgh
1:05:20 | The Shiney Man and Spiritual Warfare | Abby | Webster, Wisconsin | 1995
1:07:58 | Language of the Angels, John Dee and Edward Kelley in late 16th-century: Enochian Magic
1:09:34 | Member Thank You’s!
1:16:54 | Outtakes

 #amongthemissing  #stevestockton  #paranormalpodcast  #paranormalauthor #mysteries  #folklore  #appalachiaghoststories