5.7 | Chicken Coop Hellhounds, Horned Entities, and Roadside Humanoids | SLS 20

Apr 22, 2023, 12:22 AM

In this episode of strange listener stories we recount true ghost stories, demonic encounters, and cryptid humanoids!

From horned smoke entities waving from the ceiling, to pale monstrous beings chasing hunters down wooded backroads, join us, on this episode of Belief Hole, as we peer beyond the bookshelves and step off the beaten path, to explore true tales of the secrets things that slink and scurry in the dark!

🔥 This Is Strange Listener Stories 20!

🔗 Get Expansion Episode
EXP 5.7 | Alien Imposters Visitors Among Us

📚 Full Show Notes

00:30 | Episode Trailer
03:18 | Coming up: Bones in the Crawlspace, Chicken Coop Dogman, Headless Ghosts, and Humanoids Hunting Hunters and more!
05:04 | It Waved From the Ceiling | Bea | Story (Horned Smoke Entity)
11:29 | Hunters Become the Hunted | Howard Hawkins | Story (Crawler/Rake/Unknown Cryptid Encounter)
13:48 | Ape Canyon and Goat Marsh Natural Area Reserve Discussion
18:22 | Dark Corners and Death Angels | Chanelle | Story (Haunted House, Grim Reaper) South Africa | 2008-2010
24:34 | Chicken Coop Fear Eater - A Dogman Story | Hunter Snell | Story (HellHound, Black Shuck, Dogman?)
32:05 | Expansion Discussion: Not From Here - Alien Imposters Among Us and UFO Rescues at Sea!
35:17 | The Crawlspace | Jonathon | Story (Haunted House, Disembodied Voices, Blue Ghost Entity)
41:18 | The Children and the Visitors | Justin Stastad | Story (ghosts, child mediumship)
45:12 | His Head Fell Off | Kimberly | Story (Ghost Grandpa Visits)