Life at the Investment Helm of a £700 Billion Asset Management Giant - With Johanna Kyrklund, CIO of Schroders

Episode 48,   Oct 21, 2021, 03:00 AM


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Confronted with a kaleidoscope of challenges and shifting allocations brought about by years of QE and zero rates, along with a rise in inflation that may prove more permanent than central bankers wish, not to mention rising geopolitical tensions, asset allocators are likely to have their work cut out in coming years.

In this episode we have the opportunity to talk to Johanna Kyrklund, Schroders’ Group Chief Investment Officer & Global Head of Multi-Asset. Schroders today is one of the UK’s largest investment managers, responsible for circa £700 billion of clients’ assets.

In this conversation Johanna discusses allocating assets in today’s environment, from fixed income, to equities through to alternatives.

Johanna talks about dispersion in valuations, the active versus passive debate and her thoughts on adjusting portfolios to confront the more inflationary environment. She discusses gold and crypto, along with having your voice heard as an active investor engaging with managements. Also covered is her thoughts on the importance of active ownership when it comes to ESG and integrating sustainability into portfolios. 

She discusses why the investment process has its greatest value at times of market stress, why listening to clients helps the search for solutions and how she, as an initially shy graduate, has overcome self-doubt to rise to such a prominent position. She concludes with some valuable comments about women in the workplace.

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