Better Lawns and Gardens - Hour 1 Bat-Friendly Gardens Jim Davis October 28, 2023

Season 2, Episode 253,   Oct 29, 2023, 12:50 AM


Florida’s most popular garden expert, Teresa Watkins answers your gardening questions on syndicated Better Lawns and Gardens. Listen every Saturdays from 7am - 9am EST on WFLA- Orlando, iHeart Radio, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

Better Lawns and Gardens Hour 1 – Coming to you from Summit Responsible Solutions Studios.  Garden expert Teresa Watkins chats about bats, Hunter’s Moon, and is joined by Jim Davis, UF/IFAS Extension County Director on how to have a bat-friendly landscape. Garden topics include ‘what to do in your landscape for November’,wilting heliconia, nicking calla lily seeds, declining Mandevilla, and more.

Graphic credit: Teresa Watkins

Listen every Saturdays from 7am - 9am EST on WFLA- Orlando. Call in with your garden questions and text messages on 1-888.455.2867 and 23680, Miss the live broadcast? Listen on Audioboom podcast 24/7.

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