Making an impact: learning from global innovators

Episode 483,   Nov 13, 2023, 06:00 AM

There are few industries as innovative as the food sector, and few facing quite so many challenges.

Global political turmoil, a growing population, and the climate crisis are once again pushing the food industry to adapt.

In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded in front of a live audience during our Sustainable Food Forum event in London in September 2023, we shine a light on the people leading that adaptation.

Attend our Sustainable Sourcing Event in April

Some of the ideas discussed are still in their infancy, hinting at the transformative potential that lies ahead, while good progress is already being made in some more familiar areas.

Covering a range of activities, but all reflecting a rethinking of every aspect of the way we source, produce, package, distribute, promote, buy and consume food.

Mariano Oto, CEO, Nucaps Nanotechnology

David Erlandsson, Co-Founder, Aliga Microalgae
Matthieu Hug, CEO, Tilkal