Episode 29: "Typewriter Talks" w/ Maureen McDole 11-19-23: L.L. Kirchner

Season 1, Episode 6848,   Nov 20, 2023, 03:40 PM

This week our guest is L.L. Kirchner. L.L. is an author and award-winning screenwriter whose life and work as an expat in Asia became the basis of two memoirs, including Blissful Thinking: A Memoir of Overcoming the Wellness Revolution, and her previous title, American Lady Creature: (My) Change in the Middle East. A Qatar Memoir., named one of Bustle’s “11 Books to Battle the Blues.” A book critic, essayist and reporter, Kirchner was once simultaneously the religion editor for an LGBTQ+ paper, dating columnist for an alt newsweekly, and bridal editor for a society rag. Her writing has appeared in Shondaland, The Rumpus, and The Washington Post among numerous others. Based in Florida, she's now a guest host for the Home Shopping Network, runs the monthly storytelling show, True Stories, and a brand new grandma. Her work can be found at llkirchner.com
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