"Arts Ailve" w/ Bill DeYoung: David Warner 12-4-23

Season 1, Episode 6885,   Dec 04, 2023, 01:57 PM

David Warner arrived in the bay area in 2004, and his contributions to arts and culture here have been, and continue to be, significant. A longtime journalist, Warner spent 14 years as Editor-in-Chief at Creative Loafing Tampa. In fact, he began his tenure when the energetic alt-weekly was still known as The Weekly Planet.

Today, he’s a freelance writer with the Gulfport Gabber, among other publications, and the Board President of Creative Pinellas, the umbrella arts organization that provides support – including much-needed grant money – for working artists in every corner of the county.

If that wasn’t enough, in the past few years Warner has re-kindled his love for acting. In fact, he’s in the cast of the holiday comedy Scrooge MacBeth, opening Dec. 7 at the Off-Central in St. Petersburg.

We discuss all of this – and, of course, more – in today’s Arts Alive! podcast. #artsalive #stpetecatalyst 3billdeyoung #davidwarner #tampabay #radio #radiostpete