Sanjula Jain Urges a Comprehensive Approach to Address Alarming Rise in Cancer Cases Among Younger Populations

Episode 129,   Feb 23, 2024, 10:19 PM


In this month’s episode of Tuning In to the C-Suite, Briana Contreras, an editor of Managed Healthcare Executive, got to chatting with Sanjula Jain, Ph.D., chief research officer at Trilliant Health. 

In the conversation, Sanjula shared the concerning rise in cancer cases among those in their 30s and 40s, despite declining mortality rates. In this age range, neoplasm-related deaths are notably increasing, which could possibly be linked to pandemic-induced declines in primary care and screenings. 

Sanjula added that rising cancer care costs and increased pharmaceutical investments highlight the need for a comprehensive approach in this space.